Commissioned by Tom Baron for the Cavatina Duo & Pacifica Quartet
Scored for flute, guitar, and string quartet
Amidst the chaos of modern times, one theme repeatedly surfaces – human displacement. Four Scenes, an homage to the Romani people, is scored for guitar, flute, and string quartet and explores imaginary surroundings in the lives of people whose heritage is vibrant and whose history is one of struggle and survival. Scene one is a movement called Migration, and the theme explores the stressful condition of being in flux; it is about endurance, courage, and survival. The second scene, Three Boys, explores a moment of the journey when individuals must set temporary bases to restore before persisting. Here, three boys are running, playing, and living a life that, for them, seems typical. But anxiety is also tied to the music to represent the lack of stability. In the third scene, Mantra is an inner space where we seek peace within a severe crisis. The suite ends on a hopeful note and resilience with Sigamos, translated as “Let’s Keep Going.” No matter the obstacles, an inexplicable inner strength keeps pushing us forward, not necessarily toward home, since there may never be a final destination. Planet Earth is our ultimate refuge.