Inclusion and diversity have always been Clarice Assad's guiding principles, both in her work as a composer and in her various curatorial roles. As a curator, she strives to bring new voices and perspectives to the forefront. A champion of new music, she works tirelessly to connect and amplify the voices of young artists, creating programs that connect young artists with established professionals in the field.
Through her diverse programming and outreach initiatives, Assad's efforts have helped broaden classical music's appeal and make it more accessible to new audiences.

With members of the São Paulo Chamber Soloists at the 1st Summer Festival in Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil 2022
1ºFestival de Verão de Campos do Jordão
Long established as a venue for festivals devoted to classical music and the performing arts, Brazil’s alpine city of Campos do Jordão has had its first summer festival dedicated to popular and classical music in 2022.